Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My favourite piece of technology is the Ipod.

This is a small device used to listen music. There are many colors and shapes.
This device was give me to me for one Christmas at two years ago.
The ipod is "loaded" with music and electric current through the computer and is ready for use.
Almost every day I use the ipod when I go to the university.
I use it because I like it a lot, is comfortable and easy to carry also entertains.
I am sure my life in transit each day would be very boring without it, so I came around.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


My name is Vanesa and I was born in Mendoza Argentina in 1989, I came to Chile when I was little,in my childwood I lived with my parents and my grandmom, my first school was one, that is near from my house, and it was an artistic one, a few years later a change to a another school in the center of santiago and there I finish the school, then I took PSU and I entered to veterinary here, in the Universidad de Chile.

First post

This is my first post, and I hope that this work out well, 'cause is a little bit difficult.
first of all welcome to my blog, and I hope You enjoy it