Tuesday, June 2, 2009

When I was 14 years old i took this picture, with a self-hand made camera, because I was attending a photography course.
This camera was made of carton with a hole covered with aluminium which has a very small hole made with a needle. Inside box there were a photographic paper. To take the picture I have uncover the hole for a long time and then shut it down quickly.
In this picture you can see my old school’s yard, there were old train parts where my friends and me used to sitand laughing about people in break time.
I spent a long time studying in that school, that’s why I keep many memories of that yard.
Once upon a time we fought a war shooting applecots to each other. In that war a applecots hit me in my eye and make me cry. :(

1 comment:

  1. I can´t believe that in your direction list my blog is call Marcela!!! in the life you call me marcela!! =(
    I don´t love you...wacate
    that artistic your photo! vane the artist... jaja
    I hate you... 88
